Thursday, April 23, 2020

How To Start A Subscription Box Business

Are you thinking of starting a subscription box business? What area of the market are you hoping to provide solutions for? Have you considered subscription boxes for kids? Starting a baby subscription box or subscription box for kids requires a lot of planning. Below are some simple steps you can follow to kick start your business:

Gender Neutral Kids Box - Ages 3-5

  1. Narrow down your theme or target market
This sounds obvious, but you do not want to simply pick an idea and run with it. These steps involve executing expansive research about your target market to understand your target audience’s desires and needs. Research who your competitors would be in the same area of business and other companies that may be targeting your potential customers.
  1. Pick a price point
To make a choice, you have to research this area as well. Consider these elements – price of the product, price of the box itself (including the packaging materials), shipping costs, monthly expenses, website maintenance, marketing costs, and fulfillment costs.
  1. Build a prototype box
Once you’ve  narrowed which products are going to be in your box, assemble a few and hand them out to some of your family members and friends. Ask for their honest feedback on every detail. You can make adjustments to your model before going live. This will save you substantial costs and face value in the long run.

Past Box Girls - Ages 8+

  1. Create your website and get social
Your website, social media channels, and any other market place you wish to join will be your sales and marketing arena. Ensure you are taking quality pictures and creating posts that will grab peoples’ attention. Take pictures of your prototype box and use them to initiate creating your branding. Build buzz around the product so that you already have the hype created when you launch  into the market.
  1. Sell away
Start your selling! Pick a date and officially launch your product. Be sure to talk it up in the coming months and be clear on your launch date.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ideas for A Health and Fitness Subscription Box

Needless to say, health and fitness is a growing industry. Most likely, this industry will always be on the rise, because people today have become more and more conscious about their health. Once you have something to offer to the fitness community, it means that you will be helping people to meet their fitness and health goals.

The Best Subscription Boxes for Kids-Subscription-Fun In The Box

While crafting a kids subscription box Canada for fitness freaks, remember that cardio buffs, yoga lovers and weight enthusiasts need different things. Therefore, it is very important to narrow your niche and focus on specifics before you start a subscription business.

      Workout guides
Not everyone has the expertise and knowledge to know what they should and should not do when it comes to maintaining their health. This is where your subscription box comes into play. In the subscription box, you would offer a few options. Also, itemized boxes are available to suit your needs. Therefore, those who want variety in their exercise program can opt for variety subscription boxes.

      Exercise equipment
Whether it’s resistance bands, muscle rollers, yoga mats, or small weights, subscription boxes with exercise equipment can be a great way to get people out of their comfort zones to try new things. You’ll have to include instruction manuals with tips and ideas from experienced and qualified trainers.

      Healthy snacks and meal plans
Find snacks that you would love and pass them on to your customer. It’s also a nice idea to include meal plans in subscription boxes to help people with their nutritional journey. Of course, these will need to be done in consultation with a nutritionist, and you’ll probably want to offer several different versions depending on the person’s health goals, dietary preferences and needs.

Kids Birthday Gifts

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Subscription Box Trends For 2020


Subscription boxes are leading gifting experiences for families worldwide. The industry is booming with hundreds of subscription boxes to choose from. You can get exciting best subscription boxes Canada for different occasions such as kids birthdays, gifts for your dad, meal boxes, anniversary and so much more at affordable prices.

Subscription box service facts

Subscription boxes are booming at 100% growth every year. Global sales are nearly $2.6 billion which was nearly $57 million in 2011. More than 7000 subscription boxes companies are operating worldwide with 70% of the subscription boxes originating from the US. Gartner, the global research and advisory company says that by 2023, 75% of companies selling directly to customer will offer some type of subscription based service.

Trend #1: Experience will rule

As per McKinsey, customers are expecting desirable end to end experiences and are committed to best subscription boxes Canada services where the recurring benefits like personalization and reduced costs are part of the subscription. The definition of the experience is defined by the customer and for subscription boxes it is important for them to understand their customers unique needs and desires.

Trend #2: Men will order more subscriptions

McKinsey discovered that men between the ages of 25-44 with income levels between $50,000-$100,000 are likely to order a subscription box. They also found women make up more than 60% of subscription box subscribers while men make up 42% of subscribers.  Men will likely order 3 subscriptions such as Barkbox, Dollar Shave Club and Harry's. As per a survey, more than 30.6% of men sign up for subscription box services as compared to 24.3% of women.

Trend #3: Traditional retailers will continue to venture more into subscription boxes

Wal-Mart and Target have decided to dive into women make-up beauty box subscriptions. Subscription boxes can provide a lifeline to the struggling retailers and can become major players in the business. Amazon alone has decided to start 18 different types of subscription boxes.

Trend #4: Quality will win over quantity

Subscription box subscribers want personalization for best subscription boxes Canada. For a great box less is better as too many products can reduce interest in and result in a consumer cancelling the subscription box for what they don’t want.  On one hand, offering multiple products in a subscription box is suitable for indecisive people but overall quality is the prime concern for customers.

Trend #5: Niche products will continue to reign

Niche products such as coffee, tea or comic books are in much demand for consumers and account for about 15 % of the total market size. Niche products such as lingerie, hosiery and period boxes account larger than fashion and clothing.

Trend #6: Personalization will be the king

As per McKinsey, 3 subscription boxes will remain on the top:

Replenishment: These types of subscription boxes offer ready products such as Billie a female shaving company.

Curation: these boxes are personalized and offer customized products based on customer preferences such as Birchbox. This is the most popular category of subscription boxes.

Access: These offers exclusive discounts and selection on products one would normally buy in a store, like products for your pets.

As per a report by McKinsey, 28% of respondents said personalization was the most important factor for selecting a subscription box.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Why We Love Subscription Boxes


Subscription boxes are great for people who enjoy receiving packages in the mail and enjoy trying new products and activities. Subscription boxes vary by price, size and theme and come delivered in a box filled with surprise. There are thousands of Children’s subscription boxes Canada from which you can choose based on what best suits your child's interests.  

What attracts people to a subscription boxes:


Some products you use on a regular basis like razors,  dog food and vitamins can be automatically delivered to your doorstep on a recurring schedule.  You can help your child have fun with various play-based activities like artwork and science with learning related subscription boxes delivered to your door monthly, quarterly or however the provider has set up.


The best monthly & quarterly subscription boxes come with a variety of products to sample.  Some offer full size products like make-up, books, snacks, while others offer sample sizes like baby hygiene products or men’s accessories.  Boxes filled with unique items you would have never have bought or unable to find in your local store are the best.


The best thing about Children’s subscription boxes Canada is that you can choose a box based on the age and gender of your child or a box based on their likes (such as clothing, crafts or science experiments). Customers looking for quality products with personalization options can subscribe to different brands of products at affordable rates.

Why we stay subscribed

Customers who enjoy surprise, ease of shopping online and who love trying new products usually stay subscribed to subscription boxes.  Subscription boxes offered at affordable prices with a  great unboxing experience tend to keep customers longer. We stay subscribed because we love the convenience, variety, personalization and feeling receiving our box in the mail provides. 

Are they truly worth the price?

Customers who have less time to shop in stores or seek out the products they desire tend to find subscription boxes worth the price.  Customers who like to try new products or be surprised also find these purchases worth the price and recurring charge.

Excellent Subscription Boxes for Kids In 2020


Subscription boxes are themed for kids and shipped either monthly or quarterly. There are various options for kid subscription box Canada such as preschool preparation, reading, science, nature, art, engineering, design and technology, crafting and toys. Different niche boxes are available so you can meet your child's needs and interests.

Compass Crate

Compass crate kid box subscription is a nature-based theme activity box for your child to have fun exploring learning about the world around them. One of the options is a bird and migration themed box that includes a bird feeder craft, migration prints, bird call activity and a collection pin. This box is for kids who love to explore and learn with nature based activities.


This kid box subscription is related to education and is suitable for kids 6-11 years old. This box includes learning challenges, education material and resources chosen by certified teachers and provides surprising educational themes that will inspire, engage, and entertain the growing minds of children.

Little Loving Hand Box

This box teaches kids about helping and giving to others. It focuses on an issue and provides a craft item for kids to create and donate. The boxes include children in military families, homeless shelters and children who require hospitalization. Besides just the craft material and instructions, information about giving is provided so you engage with your child to make amazing crafts that give back to an organization in need.

Preschool Box

The preschool box is created for kindergarten and preschool age children. This kid subscription box Canada helps your child  learn about numbers, colours and alphabets. Also included is a parents guide to show how to teach your kids and practice the exercises. The box is meant for one child but a box with material for 2 kids can be made available for a good discount.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Why Subscription Boxes Are Useful For Kids

Every child is special in someone’s eyes, and every child should feel this way! The initial childhood years are extremely vital in terms of social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth. Everything experienced by a child during this time affects how they grow into their adult years.

What are subscription boxes?
Subscription boxes are a recurring delivery of niche products as a method of product distribution. Monthly or quarterly subscription boxes can consist of play-based activities that inspire childhood growth in an entertaining way. Some of these boxes are crafted by professionals and child psychologists, with new themes incorporated every month that can help children reach their  developmental milestones.

The following includes benefits of the most popular subscription boxes on the market, according to gender and age:

1. First, we will talk about kids ages 2 to 3. Subscription boxes geared to this age group can help aid in the overall development and growth of the child. Every box will consist of several activities based on various themes such as transport, plants, animals, etc. These will help to engage the child in entertaining and enjoyable ways.

2. Next is the age group between 3 and 4 years. This subscription box offers plenty of fun for toddlers. These are based on various aspects of everyday life, including (but not limited to) reading, writing, colouring, interactions with nature and the world that surrounds them.

3. Now we will talk about children between the ages of 4 and 5. These activities will engage children based on different themes such as travel, art, science, as well as math. These activities help to develop their cognitive and motor skills significantly. The child can role play as the tailor, carpenter, etc., enhancing their comprehension of how things are happening in society.

4. Finally we have the age range of 6 to 8 years. These subscription boxes will focus on the basic foundation of what your child’s genuine interests are. Kits that are play-based will be able to introduce children to innovative concepts and will also inspire them to make independent choices and discoveries.

How To Use Facebook To Market Your Subscription Box

Are you in the subscription box business? Are you facing difficulty in marketing your subscription box to your target audience? Many subscription box companies face these challenges during the launching of their business.

To start, many new business owners struggle with pitching ourselves and our ideas. Maybe for you, this struggle extends to promoting and explaining your business. Or maybe you are great at selling your ideas of the subscription box Canada, but you have a hard time with all the details of marketing – putting your business out there on social media, drafting strong promotional emails, or connecting with leads in the real world. Do you face these issues? If so, read on!

Posting on your Facebook page
First, you have to make sure that your best subscription boxes Canada company has a Facebook page, and not just a simple Facebook profile. Facebook requires users posting on behalf of a business to have a Facebook page for the company, because the Facebook user’s profiles are restricted to individual use and personal use only. The main difference between a Facebook page and a profile lies in the technical ability to sell to consumers.

How often to post?
The most important thing to keep in mind when you are in the marketing business for subscription boxes on social media is that you need to follow a strategy. Here are some simple tips that you can follow:

a.       Ask yourself these questions: In terms of demography and psychographs, who uses Facebook over other platforms? Do your target customers primarily use Facebook? If not, then why aren’t they using Facebook? What are they using instead of Facebook?
b.      The Facebook newsfeed is an ideal place for visual ads. Design sites that make it easy for business owners to build up string graphics. 

How To Start A Subscription Box Business

Are you thinking of starting a subscription box business? What area of the market are you hoping to provide solutions for? Have you consi...